Get expert advice on your hires. Recruit at a fraction of the cost.Get Started - It’s Free
Recruitment was broken.So we fixed it!
Recruiters hire for roles they’ve never done themselves. Unless you’re the hiring manager, you probably haven’t either...Expertsy connects you with industry experts, with real-world experience. To provide a better recruitment solution at a fraction of the cost.
How does Expertsy work?
1. Find an expertSearch our platform with hundreds of experts. Find one with the skills you need, at the price you want.
2. Choose a serviceEach service is an hour-long block. Pay for only what you need, how and when you need it.
3. Get supportChoose an Expert to help you review a job spec, screen CVs or conduct an interview.
4. Hire the very bestHave full confidence in your next hire, thanks to the help of expert guidance in your recruitment process.
Get Started - It’s Free
What services do we offer?
Spec Review
CV Screening
Job Spec ReviewSubmit your Job Description to an expert of your choice, and get crucial feedback to make sure you’re looking for the right skills and experience required for the role.asset
CV ScreeningGet an expert to filter through the fluff and identify the best talent, who’ve demonstrated they have the skills to tackle the role.asset
Technical InterviewsGet support during the interview process with an Expert-led Technical Interview to assess your candidates ability. They’ll know just the questions to ask to only qualify the top quality candidates.asset
Put expertise at the heart of your recruitment
Before Expertsy
Generic advice from recruiters who’ve never done the job
Sizeable (15-30%) recruitment agency fees
A retained agency with a one-size fits all process for all roles
With Expertsy
Advice from experts who know how to do the job
Hourly fees, 1/10th the cost of a recruiter
Flexible, adaptable services available on demand
Frequently Asked Questions
What does it cost?
When and where do I do this? 
How much do Experts charge?
How do I pay the Experts?
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